The bathroom is often one of the rooms that is least planned in terms of design, and does not have a specific style.
But precisely because of its intimate function I believe it should have character and identity.
It is the last room we use before going to bed and the first we go to when we wake up, therefore it needs to be functional yet cosy.
The classic look with an industrial twist, like the one shown in the picture, suits a bathroom where you can confidently mix elements that are only apparently contrasting.
In this flat in Novosibirsk, Russia, the mix works perfectly because they knew how to skilfully bring together objects and accessories that come from different worlds but never clash, on the contrary, masterfully put together.
To recreate this look you need to start from the materials: on the one hand iron and “bare” elements, such as for example the scenographic hanging lamp. On the one hand the warmth of the wood, brass and rug, chosen in red and burgundy to create a warm atmosphere.
On the floor I think that SM MARBLE – Palladio Moro would be amazing, with its varied and two-toned texture that offers movement and is certainly visually very impressive.
It is the perfect material for a classic industrial style. By definition marble is a great classic for coverings, with this type of machining however it leans towards the industrial style, especially with those colours and patterns.
The wooden details of the stool, mirror and counter make it even warmer. It is even more striking when matched with warm brass taps and fittings.
It is undoubtedly a bathroom full of personality, a little home-spa with a bold personality and sophisticated allure.
Indeed, with a bathroom like this you might enjoy spending time in it so much you end up being late for your commitments!

Ilaria Chiaratti