Terms such as “ecofriendly”, sustainability and environmental impact are now bona fide trend topics on a global level. But respect for the environment is certainly not a fashion, rather a priority that weighs on everyone’s conscience.
It is truly possible to have a positive impact on the environment? Although many consider this to be a utopia, to date the tools and solutions for adopting a greener life style are within everyone’s means, starting from the home.

When we are designing or restructuring a home we can, for example, focus on sustainable and eco-friendly models. Regarding energy savings and sustainability, window and door frames represent a crucial element. The installation of doors and windows with high thermal performance makes it possible to maintain a constant temperature for long periods of time indoors, both in winter and in summer, avoiding drafts. Accordingly, any wasted energy linked to heating and air conditioning is reduced and the cost of the bills also drops considerably. As for types of doors and windows, the preferred one is pvc, an economic plastic compound, that makes it possible to obtain high thermal insulation, in addition to being 100% recyclable. There are a great number of eco-friendly and design solutions, all you need to do is choose!

The choice of appliances is also crucial. They need to be low consumption (classes A++ and A+++): this not only makes it possible to save on bills (even if the purchase price is higher), but it limits the consumption of energy and water and reduces waste. The key is to use them responsibly.
On the market it is possible to find eco paints and varnishes, natural solutions that make home renovation possible in a sustainable way, reducing indoor pollution. These types of paints are water based and completely non-toxic, guaranteeing the quality of the air. They also offer a very impressive aesthetic result.

Also the choice of natural materials such as marble or quartz for floor or wall tiles can be an excellent solution. Santamargherita possesses the main certifications, particularly LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) requirements, one of the most important environmental certification programs for buildings.

This recognition obtained by SM Marble and SM Quartz, is one of the guarantees that certifies the quality of the material based on international criteria. Indeed, Santamargherita agglomerates are in line with Greenguard Gold, the world standard for the control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions and, therefore, of the quality of the air we breathe indoors.