The magazine “Corriere della Sera”, within its Economic section, once again has mentioned Santamargherita, this time among the excellences of Northeast Italy.
Through a study, run by a team of researchers from the Ca ’Foscari University and by a pull of accountants, it has been identified a Synthetic Performance Index: an index designed to recognize companies with the best asset, and the best financial and income conditions over the past 5 years. To develop this special Index, more than 900 accountants from the Triveneto region were involved, and data from about 13 thousand companies were examined.
The result of the analysis of the Synthetic Performance Index on companies in the north-east is a list, of which the Corriere della Sera published the first 50 positions. Santamargherita, with a Synthetic Performance Index of 589.80, is in 6th place in the ranking and stands as one of the most virtuous companies, with excellent performances. An honor and a glory that drives us to move forward in this direction.