Interview by Valentina Pepe for SantamargheritaMAG
1. As “Made in Italy” ambassadors, what is your relationship with your region and its raw materials?
The company has a close relationship with the region, as most of the raw materials used to make SM Marble come from quarries just a few km from the facility (such as the colours of SM Marble – Breccia Aurora, Botticino, Verona Red, Perlino Pink). In a certain sense, they might be defined as DOC products, as they have close links with this specific area.
Apart from natural stone, the other raw materials our agglomerates consist of are also sourced locally: indeed most of the components of Santamargherita materials come from the marble district and there are a number of partnerships in place with local companies.
2. SantaMargherita’s head office has its geographical roots deep in the Valpollicella area, how do you experience this by now well-established presence, do you have any special anecdotes to share?
Many customers appreciate working with Santamargherita also because of the company’s location. Moreover, as the company is based in the marble district, the companies offering complementary products are nearby, making it easier to form complete groupage loads. Many of our associates love working with us, as they appreciate the area where we are located and they look forward to a pleasant stay when they come to visit us.
3. Are local craftsmen important for your kind of production?
Absolutely. We are based in the marble district, an invaluable asset in terms of know-how of stone and how to process it. There are companies at the global forefront in the sector in this area.
4. As a company, do you organise or take part in cultural or sports events involving local communities?
Santamargherita is the official sponsor of the Valpolicella rugby club. Plus, we sponsor the local boules club and some individual sports events, such as the Adige Marathon.
The company also committed to financially backing the vocational marble school of Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella, and is a member of Verona’s consortium of marble workers (ASMAVE).
Valentina Pepe